Discover your natural profile with Reflact©

Do you want to discover your unique natural profile?

To gain insight in your natural power, pitfalls and potential?

So you can start living in line with your deepest self?

With the use of the Relfact© Development Tool, we help you become conscious of:

  • your unique natural talents

  • what competences give and cost you energy

  • your potential for sustainable growth

  • how you naturally make the best decisions

  • how you react under pressure and why

  • how you relate to others in relationships
  • to what extent you give shape to your inspiration

Revolutionary tool through working with images

Reflact© is a revolutionary way of measuring people. The power of Reflact© is that it distinguishes between unconscious, inner-supported qualities that fit who you are, and conscious qualities that are not supported by your inner self.

Unlike other measures, the Reflact© measure combines text with images. Working with images makes it possible to distinguish between your natural and learned competences. We react more impulsively to images, without thinking, while texts mainly come in at a cognitive level.

Also, the use of images means the measurement is not socially desirable to influence.

The package

The process consists of the following components:

  • Intake call (30 min.): to discuss your filled in form and fine-tune the approach of the session.

  • Reflact©: it takes just around 20 minutes to complete the tool online. The results will be shared with you in the session.

  • (E)-coaching session (1,5 hours): we dive deep into you and apply your outcomes to your coaching question.

  • Progress call (30 min.): of about 30 minutes to discuss and safeguard your insights.

Client experiences with Reflact©

Erhan Aydogmus

This is amazing! I continue to find it remarkable how accurate and on point the results are. At the start of the coaching, I was pessimistic/cynical about its content. I feared that it would be too abstract and not sufficiently concrete or well-founded. None of those concerns turned out to be true. In short, the coaching exceeded my expectations by far.

Arjan Smit

The Reflact© assessment was spot-on! It’s intense, yet incredibly fascinating, and it instills confidence that you’re not just doing something arbitrarily. The structure of the Reflact© assessment is valuable, and the accompanying discussion makes it truly tangible.

Natalie Groenhuizen

I found the Reflact© assessment incredibly fascinating! Especially the fact that you can obtain such a comprehensive assessment based on a series of questions and statements. What I found particularly interesting to realize is that I had mainly developed in areas that weren’t originally my strong points, such as customer contact. While I’ve grown to enjoy it, it does drain me of energy. Now, I know what aligns with me and what energizes me.

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