1:1 Career Coaching

Do you recognize this?

  • You lose energy at work.

  • You are stuck in your role and unmotivated to perform.

  • You are complaining about work and you take this unsatisfied feelings home with you.

  • You are not fulfilled and it is difficult to find purpose in what you do.

  • You are not using your talents, you feel there is more and you want to maximize your potential.

  • You want to achieve your professional goal and develop yourself sustainably.

  • You want to talk to a professional to get yourself and your career to the next level.

We love to help you flourish in your career!

Work is an important part of your life. We want you to have your most beautiful and sustainable career.

Our coaches would love to help you solve your challenge and achieve your personal goals while developing yourself sustainably.

So you will really flourish in your work.

Do you have a professional question, problem you want to speak about? Please feel free to contact us.

We love to meet you and discuss how you are best helped.

How does 1:1 Career Coaching look like?

You are unique. Your career is unique. We will make sure that the coaching is tailor-made to your needs.

To give you a rough idea of how a career coaching trajectory may look like:

  • Intake: you and your coach see if there is a match. You will dive deeper into your coaching goal and why this is important to you. Based on this conversation, the coaching will be specified to your wishes and needs.

  • Reflact© Development Tool: this revolutionary assessment gives you deep insight into yourself. We use this tool te ensure that your results will be sustainable. You complete it online in just 15 minutes. Your personal profile will be discussed during the coaching sessions.

  • Coaching Sessions: the sessions can be held in person or online. During the sessions, you will work on yourself and your goal. The coach will speak with you and challenge you with live interventions. You might receive homework assignments between the sessions.

  • Follow-up plan: during the last session, you will speak about your insights from the coaching and develop a plan on what action to take to maintain these insights in your day-to-day life.

  • Evaluation: the coaching is concluded with a brief evaluation of our collaboration.

What does Career Coaching bring you?

  • New insights in yourself on both the conscious and unconscious level.

  • Discovery of your natural power and potential for sustainable growth.

  • Clarification of your adaptive behaviors and pitfalls.
  • Sustainable development in alignment with your natural self.
  • Concrete action direction and achievement of your professional goal(s).
  • New energy!

Would you like to meet without obligation?

Book your free introduction!